I am glad to publish the following release by SPH Engineering. Click on the image below to visit their web site:

Also check out this video, in which the software is used together with 3D Robotics multirotors:
SPH Engineering is pleased to announce that UgCS is now out of Beta stage and is available for purchase.
Our work for nearly two years have resulted in UgCS version 2.1 Which now we have tested to be exceeding or having abilities at least on par with native mission planning software of supported vehicles.

Currently we support vehicles equipped with following autopilots: MikroKopter, Ardupilot APM/Pixhawk, DJI Naza-M(Phantom 2)/Wookong-M/A2, ARDrone, Microdrones. Our skilled engineers can add support to additional autopilot by request in less than 3 months including field tests. Continue reading UgCS ground station software goes commercial